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Q: Where did Odysseus reach on the tenth day?
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Who gave Odysseus directions to reach the Underworld?

Circe told Odysseus how to reach the Underworld.

What is Odysseus as a modern day hero?

we are all odysseus on the inside

What does Circe instruct Odysseus to do in order to reach home?

he farts

How does circe know who Odysseus is?

Circe knows who Odysseus is because she is a goddess-enchantress. She has the gift of fore sight and sees who Odysseus is right away. She also give Odysseus prophesies that help him reach home.

What does Odysseus have to do when he reaches Tartarus?

Odysseus had to sacrifice a black sheep, letting the prophet Tiresias drink of it. Thus would Tiersias prophesize for Odysseus, letting him know how to reach his home.

How did Odysseus and his men reach the land of the dead?

by tah stream of Oceanuss.

If your allowance was a penny doubled every day how many days would it take you to reach 1000.00?

On the eleventh day you would have 1,024 pennies, but if you save up all your pennies, you will have 1,023 pennies after being paid on the tenth day

How did Odysseus get into the cyclops cave?

Odysseus and his men walked into the cave during the day.

Why didnt Odysseus men reach home?

They ate the Cattle of the Sun, Helios got angry and killed them all except Odysseus. Odysseus drifted onto Calypso's Island from here.

Who were the 2 gods that made it impossible for Odysseus to reach home?

burgers and chips

In the Odyssey what does the prophet Tiresias tell Odysseus in the underworld?

The blind prophet tells Odysseus that he will reach his home in Ithaca, but that his journey home will be filled with trouble (and it is).

What does calypso promise to give odysseus to help him reach home?

he went home drunk