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Q: Who gulf country has granted voting rights to women recently?
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Most states granted voting rights to which group of people?

Most states granted voting rights to property owners.

In which year were the Aborigines granted voting rights?


What date were women granted voting rights in the US?


Which state became the first to grant women full voting rights in 1890?

The state of Wyoming granted women voting rights in 1890. Several other states, such as Oregon and Colorado, had granted voting rights to women before the 19th Amendment.

What was the effect in the US of expanding voting rights?

When voting rights were extended to citizens who previously did not have voting rights, there was more pluralism in the US. When the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920, the votes granted to women expanded the numbers of people voting in the US.

How did the expansion of voting rights help Jackson win the election of 1828?

The voting rights were extended to white males who did not have to own property. Jackson wanted to help the "common men" to have the same rights as the elite. So, many of the men who were recently granted suffrage voted for him. :)) The expansion of voting rights allowed the "common man" have a say and decreased the votes from Legislature to the People.

What democratic goal was reached recently?

the extention of voting rights to 18 year olds

Which piece of legislation granted African Americans the legal right to vote A. the 15th Amendment B. the Voting Rights Act C. the 19th Amendment D. the Indian Citizenship Act?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 granted African Americans the legal right to vote.

Identify the major civil rights laws enacted since 1950?

The 15th amendment, The Civil Rights Act of 1965, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970, 1975, and most recently 1982.

In the typical English colony voting rights were granted to?

colonists born in America

What is quasi- citizenship?

a status granted to non-nationals giving them: 1. almost equal rights as nationals of the country of residence 2. absolute protection against expulsion (also temporarily, e.g. for minor children), and/or 3. voting rights for national elections

How did the 14th and 15th amendment change the constitution?

The 14th Amendment outlawed slavery and granted civil rights and liberties to African-Americans. The 15th Amendment prohibited the government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race.