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Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) are not known for pilgrimages. The closest thing to a pilgrimage for Mormons is attending Temple ceremonies, which every Mormon is encouraged to do at least once in their lifetime. With over 140 Temples worldwide, most Mormons can attend many times without too much sacrifice.

Young Mormons are encouraged to go on missions - serving as travelling preachers for 18 months or 2 years. This is not a pilgrimage, as they are not seeking out any particular location, just filling a need for service wherever the Church leaders decide to send them.

Many Mormons do have a desire to visit various Church history sites - this is considered by some to be a pilgrimage but it is certainly not a requirement or even strongly suggested within the Church.

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Q: Why do Mormons go on pilgrimages?
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