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Because chemo causes you to feel weakened, drinking will intensify this effect. Also Alchohol thins the blood, which could negatively affect your chemo treatments.

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Q: Why does my doctor say refrain from wine or beer while on my four months of chemo?
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No one can give an answer to that on, not even a doctor. Don't ask your really smart friend or your cancer support group either. If any of those people says "yes" (or "no" for that matter) don't take their word for it. As a general rule, to be on the safe side, it's probably best not to take anything while on chemo without your own doctor's permission. Even if another doctor prescribes something, but doesn't know and duly consider that you are on chemo and exactly which chemo drugs at that, call your own doctor before taking it and never go to that other doctor again.Really. Chemo messes with your body in so many different ways that only a doctor who knows all of your details can tell you what's safe to take with it and what's not. There are some things the internet just can't, or shouldn't answer for you.

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Is chemo therapy a root word?

No, "chemo" and "therapy" are both root words. "Chemo" originates from the word "chemical," while "therapy" comes from the Greek word "therapeia," meaning treatment or cure.

Is it normal to bleed all the time while 6 months pregnant?

No. Consult a doctor.

How soon while taking chemo will you loose your hair?

It really depends on the type of chemo and your own hair. Not all chemo causes hair loss. Sometimes it just thins. Could start after a few infusions (2-3)

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Please take your guidance in this from your doctor and from the literature you receive about chemotherapy and not from opinions from unknown sources that may or may not have sound knowledge behind them.

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Missouri does not have state short term disability coverage.If you have a private policy, a cancer diagnosis will probably be covered if your doctor indicates you are too sick to work.

Can you take lysine while taking chemotarphy?

i want to know if you can take lysine while taking chemo (cancer treatment) dang it!!!

Is it safe to take six months of continuous antibiotics while pregnant?

It depends why you are taking them. Presumably your doctor knows you are pregnant and it may be that the antibiotics help you maintain your pregnancy. ASk the doctor.

Why would you lose a thumb size chunk of tissue the day after pap smear while 7 months pregnant?

You need to discuss this with your doctor.

Can taking pain killers while your pregnant hurt the baby I'm 8 months pregnant and have a kidney stone.?

If you know you have a kidney stone you must have been diagnosed by a doctor. Call that doctor and ask about possible painkilling medication. At eight months you can't afford to take any chances.