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Melinda is spying on Rachel in Speak because she feels isolated and abandoned after calling the police to report the assault at the party. Watching Rachel's seemingly perfect life gives Melinda a sense of connection to normalcy that she craves but feels she cannot have. It also serves as a distraction from dealing with her own trauma and feelings of guilt.

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Q: Why is melinda spying on rachel in speak?
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In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda is in detention with Rachel Bruin. Rachel is one of Melinda's former friends who no longer speaks to her after Melinda called the police at a party over the summer.

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Melinda tells Rachel about the sexual assault she experienced at a party over the summer. She confesses that she called the cops but didn't speak up to tell them what really happened. Rachel doesn't believe Melinda at first but eventually confronts her attacker.

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rachel doesnt like melinda because she got them invited to a very popular party that everyone was going to and melinda called the cops for what rachel believes was for nothing. she only finds out later that it was because melinda was raped.

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It would be Melinda's ex-best friend Rachel/Rachelle.

Who is Rachel bruin in the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?

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Who is Rachel Bruin from the book Speak?

Rachel Bruin is a character in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. She is a popular girl at school who used to be friends with the main character, Melinda, but becomes distant from her after an incident involving a party where Melinda was raped. Rachel represents the complexity of peer relationships and how they can change under traumatic circumstances.

Does Melinda ever tell Rachel what Andy evens did to her that the book Speak?

In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda eventually reveals to Rachel that Andy Evans, also known as IT, raped her at a party. This confession is a turning point in Melinda's healing process, as she begins to confront her trauma and find her voice.

Why did Rachel stop talking to Melinda from the book Speak?

Rachel stopped talking to Melinda because she believed the rumor that Melinda called the cops to the party, leading to many people getting in trouble. Rachel didn't want to associate with someone who seemed to betray their friends.

Who is Rachel in Speak the novel?

Rachel is the former best friend of the protagonist, Melinda, in the novel Speak. Their friendship deteriorates as Rachel becomes more interested in social status and popularity, while Melinda becomes isolated and withdrawn after experiencing a traumatic event at a party. Their strained relationship reflects the theme of alienation and the difficulties of communication.

Using details from the textdescribe Melinda's conflict over whether or not to warn Rachel about Andy in the book speak?

In the book "Speak," Melinda struggles with whether to warn Rachel about Andy's true nature after what happened to her at the party. She battles fear, guilt, and the potential consequences of speaking out against popular students. Melinda ultimately decides to tell Rachel the truth, showing her courage and sense of responsibility towards her friend's safety.

Who are the main characters in the book Speak?

Melinda Sordino David Pertakis Mr.Freeman Andy Evans Heather Rachel