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The change in viscosity of silicone oil very small with change in temperature as compared to ordinary lubricants. If temperature is dropped from 100-0*c, viscosity of petroleum increases to 100 fold while of silicone increases to less than 4 folds only. Due to these reasons silicone oils are preferred over ordinary lubricants.

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Saad Ahsan

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13y ago

silicones have much greater thermal stability than odinary hydrocarbons oil,greases and rubber

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Q: Why is silicone oil preferred over ordinary lubricants?
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Why does silicone smell like vinegar?

The vinegar-like smell from silicone is due to the presence of acetic acid, which is a byproduct of the curing process of the silicone material. This odor typically dissipates over time as the silicone fully cures and stabilizes.

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Silicon is generally preferred over germanium for electronic applications because it has a higher bandgap energy, allowing for the creation of more efficient and faster electronic devices. Silicon is also more readily available and easier to work with in terms of manufacturing processes compared to germanium. Additionally, silicon has better thermal stability and higher breakdown voltage, making it more reliable for long-term applications.

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Dilute sulfuric acid is preferred over dilute HCl for testing anions because it can help differentiate between chloride ions and sulfate ions by forming precipitates with certain anions. Sulfuric acid also provides a stronger acid environment for reactions, allowing for more distinct precipitation reactions to occur during the testing process.

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Graphite is used in pencils because it is soft, leaving a visible mark on paper without scratching it. It also has good electrical conductivity, making it suitable for other applications like lubricants and batteries.

Is it preferable to pour concentrated sodium hydroxide over sulfuric acid spilled on the floor?

No. The reaction of sodium hydroxide with sulfuric is more exothermic. And hence it is preferred to pour a solution of sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate in the case of spills.

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Why silicons oil preferred over ordinary lubricant?

The change in viscosity of silicone oil very small with change in temperature as compared to ordinary lubricants. If temperature is dropped from 100-0*c, viscosity of petroleum increases to 100 fold while of silicone increases to less than 4 folds only. Due to these reasons silicone oils are preferred over ordinary lubricants.

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Interval estimates are generally to be preferred over point estimate

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