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Dividends are deducted of the retained earnings which is part of the contributed capital and that must be done according to the dividends policy

The dividend policy of a firm relates to management's propensity to distribute earnings to stockholders.

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Q: Can you pay dividends from contributed capital?
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Can capital be distributed as dividends?

Yes. All companies who pay dividends usually do so out of Retained Capital. Even Real Estate companies (REITS, private partnershiplps, etc) with losses "on the books" because of depreciation or other allowed tax deferrals/credits can pay dividends, and most do. Sometimes you see venture Capital companies take control of a company and pay a special dividend out of "capital."

Cash dividends do you pay capital gains tax?

No. You pay tax on dividends, which is NOT always the same as capital gains tax rate. Cuurently it is pretty much the same. althoug only a few years back it was the same as ordinary income.

Is dividend ordinary income?

Most dividends are. However, long term capital gains distributions from a mutual fund are capital gains. Liquidating dividends and return-of-capital dividends can be capital gains. And, to make matters more confusing, some dividends, knows as "qualifying dividends," are taxed at long term capital gains rates even though they are not capital gains.

Is Share premium as capital or revenue reserve?

Share Premium is a Capital Reserve. They cannot pay dividends because share premium is a non trading activity.

What is capital withdrawal?

This is nothing but the capital withdrawn which is distributions/dividends.

What is contributed capital?

Capital received from investors for stock, equal to capital stock plus contributed capital. also called contributed capital. also called paid-in capital.

When do you usually pay dividends?

Most companies pay out dividends quarterly. In order to earn a dividend, you must own stock in a company on one date, and they pay dividends on another date.

Do stock dividends always pay monthly?

No, stock does not always pay dividends at all much less monthly.

Can pay dividends even there is an unpaid subscribed capital stock?

cash dividends due on delinquent stock shall first be applied to the unpaid balance on the subscription, plus costs and expenses. stock dividends shall be withheld from the delinquent stockholder until his unpaid subscription is fully paid.

What dividends did Hambrecht's attention to profit and to the company's bottom line pay?

big dividends for BASF during the first two years of his tenure as chairman. As part of his business strategy he gave instructions to limit capital expenditures to areas where profits after taxes and expenses exceeded the original capital investment

Why do companies no pay dividend?

Why do companies not pay dividends

How many times per year are dividends paid?

Most corporatiions that pay dividends, pay them 4 times a year.