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Revenue is the income that a business receives, total revenue would be formulated by price times quantity

However business occurs expenses along with the sales, therefore to calculate the net effect of the income that business receives, we use profit which is essentially the revenue minus expenses/costs incurred

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12y ago

Revenue is the total income of an entity from its products. It does not take into account expenses and cash outflow. Whereas Profit is the revenue or income over aand above the cost involved in the production. Profit is that money that a firm retains after all expenses have been paid and accounts have been settled.


Total Revenue = Price x Quantity

Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost.

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12y ago

Profit is the difference between the amount earned and the amount spend in buying, operating or producing something to gain a financial benefit.

Yield is to produce or provide especially in agricultural or industrial sector.

It is also the full amount of agricultural or industrial product.

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10y ago

Profit means actually money left over after expenses and costs. Profitability is a calculation that predicts the ability of a business to turn a profit.

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Profit is revenue minus costs. In merchandising, you have to pay for the items you sell, and you charge a higher amount to your customers. The difference between what you pay for them (cost) and what you get for selling them (revenue)_ is your profit. ■

What is the difference between cost and revenue?

Revenue is the profit made from an activity, while cost is the price something is.

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In economics, marginal profit is the difference between the marginal revenue and the marginal cost of producing an additional unit of output.

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Sales is a revenue not an expense or asset while difference between sales and expense is profit which is liability for business.

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Revenue is all the money a business brings in. Net income is revenue minus all the expenses of the business. Net income is profit.

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Difference between revenue received from sale of an output & the opportunity cost of inputs used. (EVA)

Whats the difference between an assets ability to generate revenue and its ability to generate profit?

The difference between an asset's ability to generate revenue and its ability to generate profit is generating revenue refers to the asset producing a cash flow that is linked directly to the asset. If the asset was not there, then no money would be made. Assets that generate profit do not produce cash directly, but influences consumer and competitor behavior with the intention of producing more revenues.

What is the difference between gross margin and net profit?

Gross Margin = (Gross Profit/Sales)*100 Gross Profit = Revenue - Cost of Sales Net Profit = Revenue - Expenses Or in words, the Gross Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Sales, where the Gross Profit is Sales minus the Cost of Sales. The Net Profit, on the other hand, is Revenue minus ALL Expenses (including cost of sales).

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