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Intangible assets are those assets which are amortized as compared to tangible assets which are depreciated.

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Q: Types of assets that are amortized?
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Related questions

What can be amortized on the balance sheet?

Intangible assets are amortized on balance sheet same as tangible assets are depreciated.

Which intangible assets amortized over their useful life?

Following are the intangible assets amortized: 1 - Patents 2 - Goodwill 3 - Preliminary Expenses etc.

Intangible assets are capitalized and amortized over periods benefited?

Matching principle

What is the use of non performing assets?

Non performing Assets either a Short term or a Long term asset is marked to be Amortized. It may have a depreciation value.

What is an auction call?

An auction call is the option to call a securitized bond usually after a set time period or after the deal's assets have amortized substantially.

What is an example of an amortized expense?

The costs of long-lived intangible assets, such as patents, are allocated across time periods and reclassified as amortization expense.

Can assets become expenses over time?

Certain assets (like equipment or goodwill) can depreciated or amortized over time. Other assets (like land) are not amortized. An asset that is available to be depreciated can be expensed over time according to the associated depreciation schedule for that particular asset class. Often, a journal entry is made at the end of each year. The journal entry would reflect a credit to an asset account and a debit to an expense account.

How do you catagorize the pre-operative expenses?

Pre operative expenses are categorized as preliminary expenses and shown as other assets in balance sheet and amortized over period.

Is there any type of promissory notes that are amortized over 120 months?

All types of promissory notes can be amortized over 120 months. We can write secured and non secured notes, 1st and 2nd mortgages. car loan etc.

How do you treate preliminary expenses?

Preliminary expenses are those expenses which incurred before start of actual operations so these are assets of business and shown in asset side of balance sheet as other assets and then amortized over period of time through income statement.

When is trademark be categorized in the balance sheet?

Trademarks are Fixed assets of company as the benifit for them are taken to business for morethen one year.Trademarks are shown as fixed assets of company when the payment for trademarks are made and then amortized them like any other fixed asset when the portion of benifit is taken from them from year to year.

How to amortize an indefinite life intangible asset?

Answer:Under US GAAP as well as IFRS, intangible assets with an indefinite life (for example brand names) are not amortized, but instead, an annual impairment test is performed.