concept of responsibility accounting
accounting concept are the basic knowledge of accounting on which basis monetry transation are made in accounting book.
The preparation of accounting information is based on certain fundamental principles which are named as accounting assumptions. These are, like any other assumptions, things that accountant assumes before he prepares accounting information. For example: every asset that an organization has is depreciated for future, because accounting supposes that it is going to be used in the future. In most cases, it will be but in some cases it won't, but as an accountant you must always assume or suppose that it will. There are various other assumptions, or principles that accounts make believe while preparing accounting information. Some of them, which I know of, are: * Business Entity Concept * Going Concern concept * Historical Cost concept * Accounting Period Concept * Materiality concept * Full Disclosure concept All these concepts are known as accounting assumptions, there may be few more which I am , at this moment, oblivious to. Manish Regmi
There are eight accounting concepts: Business entity concept, cost concept, going concern concept, matching concept, objectivity concept, unit of measure concept, adequate disclosure concept, and accounting period concept
described the double-entry system, which continues to be the fundamental structure for contemporary accounting systems in all types of entities.
the fundamental principles of accounting are as follows:a. the going concern conceptb. the consistency conceptc. the separate valuation conceptd. accruals and matching concepte. the concept of prudence
Responsibility accounting helps in the management accounting and the managerial control of a business. It fixes the responsibility of the individual performance and the operation results so that it is not a vague concept.
concept of responsibility accounting
Why is ethics seen as a fundamental business concept
basic principle of accounting
accounting concept are the basic knowledge of accounting on which basis monetry transation are made in accounting book.
The preparation of accounting information is based on certain fundamental principles which are named as accounting assumptions. These are, like any other assumptions, things that accountant assumes before he prepares accounting information. For example: every asset that an organization has is depreciated for future, because accounting supposes that it is going to be used in the future. In most cases, it will be but in some cases it won't, but as an accountant you must always assume or suppose that it will. There are various other assumptions, or principles that accounts make believe while preparing accounting information. Some of them, which I know of, are: * Business Entity Concept * Going Concern concept * Historical Cost concept * Accounting Period Concept * Materiality concept * Full Disclosure concept All these concepts are known as accounting assumptions, there may be few more which I am , at this moment, oblivious to. Manish Regmi
There are eight accounting concepts: Business entity concept, cost concept, going concern concept, matching concept, objectivity concept, unit of measure concept, adequate disclosure concept, and accounting period concept
where are 7 Accounting concept in the books of CIE which are done for methods e.g deprecation=prudence if the company will complete forward=going concern etc.idea is more basic to accounting than the accounting unit or entity, a term used to identify the organization for which the accounting service is to be provided and whose accounting or other...Accounting concept are customs and tradition which are used as a guide for preparation of financial statements
described the double-entry system, which continues to be the fundamental structure for contemporary accounting systems in all types of entities.
accounting assumption is nothing
basic concepts of accounting