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explicit environment cost include the direct cost of modifying technology and processes, costs of clean up, disposal costs, fines by govt. agencies etc.

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Q: What is explicit environmental costs?
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Describe the differences between implicit costs and explicit costs?

Explicit costs are those that are a result of a product. Implicit costs are costs that are associated with a product, but they can't be directly linked to the product.

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What is explicit costs?

explicit environment cost include the direct cost of modifying technology and processes, costs of clean up, disposal costs, fines by govt. agencies etc.

What are implicit and explicit?

Explicit costs are payments the firm makes for inputs such as wages and salaries to its employees, whereas implicit costs are non-expenditure costs that occur through the use of self owned resources such as foregone income.

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Tuition costs and the cost of books, whereas the implicit costs include foregone income.

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kamukha mo si oding

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How do lawmakers make good environmental decisions?

By weighing the costs and benefits of an environmental issue

What are environmental costs?

The monetary impact from the negative environmental effects resulting from the choices we make.