auditing is a review process,usually of accounting procedures
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Reimbursment means to incur expenses on company behalf and then get back the incurred expenses from company.
When accountants prepare financial statements, they assume that the life of the business can be divided into time periods. This is called the accounting period concept. Using this concept, accountants must determine in which period to report the revenues and expenses of the business.
Basic accounting concept that once an accounting method is adopted, it should be followed consistently from one accounting period to the next. If, for any reason, the accounting method is changed, a full disclosure of the change and an explanation of its effects on the items of the financial statements must be given in the accompanying notes (footnotes). One of the duties of an auditor is to make sure the consistency principle is being followed because, otherwise, any change might make interpretation of the financial data a futile exercise. Also called consistency concept. See also accounting concepts.
Accounting is the way that business keep up with the money that comes in and goes out of their business.
Accounting is the way that business keep up with the money that comes in and goes out of their business.
What is the Economic consequence of accounting standard-setting
1. Timeliness 2. Understandability 3. Reliability.4 Completeness. 5. Comparability. 6. Relevance
It is software that you can use to help with accounting problems and you can get it for free. There are probably many, many options out there which you can get.
Public Accounting: Best known for providing audits, CPAs who work in public accounting review company financial records for accuracy and accountability.
auditing is a review process,usually of accounting procedures
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My Completeness was created on 2004-07-26.
Profit that is made by superb accounting. By using the accounting trade, money is saved that would have been lost without it. However I am supposed to reach 150 characters.
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