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Break even point = Fixed Cost / contribution margin ratio

Variable cost = 20% So

Contribution margin = 80%

Breakeven point = 40000000 / .8 = 50000000

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Q: What is the break-even point when variable costs are 20 percent of total revenue and fixed costs are 40 million per year?
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Breakeven revenue is the amount required to make $0 profit once total fixed and variable costs have been deducted so the answer is 2160000 + 3000000 = $5160000

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Contribution margin = Sales revenue - variable cost Contribution margin = 10 million - 6 million Contribution margin = 4 million

What does breakeven point mean?

Breakeven Analysis is the process of categorizing costs of production between variable and fixed components and deriving the level of output at which the sum of these costs, referred to as total costs per unit become equal to sales revenue. The analysis helps to determine the 'Breakenev Point' from this point of equality of sales revenue with total costs. At the breakeven point, the production activity neither generates a profit nor a loss. Breakeven analysis is used in production management and Management Accounting.

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Sales revenue = breakeven sales + Fixed Cost Sales revenue = 40000 + 30000 sales revenue = 70000 Prove Sales revenue = 70000 Less: V.C = 40000 Contribution Margin = 30000 Less:Fixed Cost = 30000 Profit (loss) = Nill

How do you determine break even point when the unit price isn't given?

if sales revenue is provided instead of unit price then breakeven point can be determine by deducting variable costs from sales revenue and so on dividing fixed cost with contribution margin.

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Revenue at BREAK EVEN point is $0.00

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Breakeven point cannot be find out until sales revenue or selling price is not provided only the fixed and variable cost is not enough.

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Clark County gaming revenue for 2008 was $9,797.0 million. This reflected a 9.9 percent decrease over the 2007 total of $10,868.5 million. In 2009 we expect gaming revenues to decrease another 2.5 percent for a total of $9,550.0 million by year end. In 2010 we expect to see an increase of 3.0 percent for a total "gaming win" of $9,840.0 million

Sales volume required to breakeven?

That level of sales at which profit if the business is zero or revenue earned is equal to cost incurred.

How do you you calculate total revenue percentage?

You can calculate the total revenue percentage by substituting the variable X for the monthly revenue, the variable Y for the period of time, and then multiple these to solve for the total revenue percentage.

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What is the revenue for the St. Louis Cardinals?

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