2 hours.
Approx 2hrs 30 mins, occasionally 2 hrs if good tailwind.
The flight time is 1 hour, 53 minutes.
3 hours and 33 minutes.
A flight from Newcastle, Australia to Alicante, Spain takes about 22 hours. Newcastle, Australia is about 10842 miles from Alicante, Spain.
A flight from Alicante, Spain to Newcastle, England would take about 3 hours to complete. There is about 1,150 miles between the two locations.
Flying from Birmingham, Alabama: The flight time is 17 hours, 47 minutes.Flying from Birmingham, England: The flight time is 20 hours, 39 minutes.
The flight time is 17 minutes.
Flying from Birmingham, Alabama: The flight time is 10 hours, 56 minutes.Flying from Birmingham, UK: The flight time is 3 hours, 12 minutes.
It's about an hour
2 hours