Airbus A300-600R
The flight you were looking for is ZB 792 - Gatwick to Las Palmas, the aircraft is an Airbus A300-600 to be retired at the end of the summer.
The flight time from London Gatwick in the UK to Tenerife is approximately 4 hours and 6 minutes. The exact travel time will vary as it depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, refuelling stops and delays. Your airline can provide additional information.
Flight time from Gatwick to Dabolim is 91/2 to 10 hours with Thomson. i would presume the monarch time would be about the same
Its an airbus 321 ( a very nice plane to fly) long range with high speeds and good manoeuvrability
boeing 757
( in wierd voice ) to .... to .... to be .......... to be honest with ya. i dont actulyy know
Between 09hr50 and 10hr10 generally - dependent on aircraft, weather conditions etc.
Depends where from, when, and whether it's a charter or scheduled flight.
A flight from Gatwick to Montreal takes 7 hours.
The flight time from London Gatwick in the UK to Malaga in Spain is approximately 2 hours and 32 minutes. The exact travel time will vary as it depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, refuelling stops and delays. Your airline can provide additional information.