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Algebra is one of the most fundamental tools for engineers (and physicists) because it allows them to determine the value of something (length, material constant, temperature, mass, and so on....) given values that they do know (possibly other length, material properties, mass......).

Although the types of problems that different types of engineers (mechanical, chemical, civil, environmental) deal with varies a lot, all engineers use algebra to solve problems. Mechanical engineers, for example, will usually use calculus to determine the dimensions a certain part may need to be, but in situations where things are constant, it is much faster to simply use algebra. For example, in a situation where there is constant acceleration (due to something simple like gravity) and an object with constant mass, newton's 2nd law (Force = mass * acceleration) may be quickly used to determine the force associated. In most situations, however, the acceleration will not be constant, so calculus will need to be used.

Another example of where algebra is frequently used is in simple electrical circuits, where the resistance is "ohmic", or linearly proportional to voltage. Using "Ohm's Law," or V=IR, an engineer may simply divide the voltage of a circuit by the current that they desire (for whatever reason) to determine the type of resistor they should put in the circuit.


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Many people use Algebra, like doctors, builders, archetecs. Many people with good jobs use Algebra so that's why its is very important to learn Algebra. You truly use it in the future when you grow up.Algebraists use algebra.

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You use variables to stand for numbers in algebra

When do you use a semicolon in algebra?

Well, according to what I learned when I was in Algebra I, you should never have to use a semicolon.

How do vets use algebra at work?

by usinf algebra at work i dont no