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Vectors are used in the sun

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Q: How do you use vector in a sentence?
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How can you use vector in a sentence?

the walk to the store was the same dirction to the beach.

How do you use vector in a sentence while talking about a tree?

I was pointing toward an apple up in the tree when a hummingbird approached from another vector.

What is a sentence using vector?

My vector of my report is small

Why in dot product you use cos and in vector product sin?

We use the dot product cos and in vector we use the vector product sin because of the trigonometric triangle.

What is a sentence for the word vector?

It means Noun A quantity having direction as well as magnitude, esp. as determining the position of one point in space relative to another. Not really sure about a sentence

Distance Vector protocols use what algorithm?

Distance Vector protocols use the Bellmanâ??Ford algorithm. The ARPANET system relied on Distance Vector protocols as their main routing technique in the early 80s.

What two methods can you use when solving vector addition?

You can use the graphical method, which involves drawing vectors on a coordinate system and adding them tip-to-tail to find the resultant vector. Alternatively, you can use the component method, breaking each vector into its horizontal and vertical components and adding them separately to find the resultant vector.

Can you use zoom in vector graphics?


What is the use of scalar vector?

magnitude and direction

Does indesign use bitmap or vector?

One can import both vector and raster/bitmap image formats into InDesign.

What are the Examples of null vector?

The null vector, also called the zero vector, is a vector a, such that a+b=b for any vector b. Also, b+( -b)=a An example in R3 is the vector <0,0,0> Here are some examples of its use <2,2,2>+<-2,-2,-2>=<0,0,0> <2,2,2>+<0,0,0>=<2,2,2>

How do you search a particular element from the vector?

To search a particular element from the vector, use the find() algorithm. If the vector is sorted, you can use the binary_search() algorithm to improve efficiency. Both algorithms can be found in the <algorithm> header in the C++ standard library.