how do you reset the anti-theft system on a 1999 Ford windstar
how do you reset the anti-theft system on a 1999 Ford windstar
how do you reset the anti-theft system on a 1999 Ford windstar
All factory Dodge systems are reset with the remote or by unlocking the drivers door with the key.
The only way to completely reset the anti theft system on a 1999 Ford Windstar is to unhook the battery for 45 minutes. Once you hook the battery back up, the anti theft will be reset and any warning lights will be off.
The easiest way to deactivate the 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier antitheft system is to remove the fuse. The location of the antitheft system fuse will be listed on the inside cover of the fuse box.
Behind the service panel on the right side of the cargo area
The 1999 Ford Windstar does not have a separate computer for the fuel system. The vehicle computer contains all of the functions for the fuel system. The vehicle system computer is located behind the kick plate.
Man ,,,,i just went through the same thing with my mothers 2000 Ford Windstar lx.Had to take it the Ford dealer $90 bucks plus $25 buck to get a second key made .If you don't have a second key then you will have to get another made in order for them to reset the pats anti theft system. take about 1hr to reset..Oh yeah almost for got.Yeah it will have to be towed. Hope you got AAA. FISHMEER .....
Man ,,,,i just went through the same thing with my mothers 2000 ford windstar lx.Had to take it the ford dealer $90 bucks plus $25 buck to get a second key made .If you don't have a second key then you will have to get another made in order for them to reset the pats anti theft system. take about 1hr to reset..Oh yeah almost for got.Yeah it will have to be towed. Hope you got AAA. FISHMEER .....
You might try the HAYNES manual
Anti lock ( antiskid ) braking system