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If the average car uses 19 lbs of co2 per gallon, and the car gets 20 miles to the gallon, and travels an average of 12,000 miles a year, then 12,000/20=600 gallons at

19 lbs = 11,400 lbs co2 per year.

Additionally, while that is true regarding the average American car, 20 mpg is a very low figure in the rest of the world. Even 20 year old cars with (then) above average sized 2.0 litre engines could manage close to 30 mpg, and cars have gotten better since. This sort of car would then produce only around 7,600 lbs of CO2 per year. Modern European and Japanese cars often achieve combined figures of around 35 mpg using a petrol engine and around 40 mpg using a diesel engine.

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Q: How much CO2 does a car put into the air a year?
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How much pollution does a car produce?

An average car produces about 7700 kg of co2 a year.

What is the average CO2 emission per year of a US car?

The average co2 emission per year for a car in the USA. is 11,450 pounds

What car gases are polluting the air?

CO2 or Carbon Dioxide from the gasoline being emitted from the car exhaust.

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Doesn't the driver ( and any passengers ) in the car emit CO2 as well, so you are not comparing like with like.You must compare CO2 from Car, driver and passengers with CO2 emitted by cyclist to be more accurate.You will need to divide the CO2 for car driver and passenger by number of occupants of car to get CO2 per person per journey

How much co2 enters atmosphere from car exhaust?

None its only used when the car is moving

How much c02 is given by cars?

A car running on petrol or diesel produces 3¼ lbs of CO2 for every 1 lb of fuel used. The extra weight comes from oxygen taken in through the air filter to burn the fuel. A typical car running 12,000 miles per year and using 300-400 gallons of fuel produces 3 to 4 tons of CO2 in that time.

How much CO2 does a average car emit?

i dont know do the math

How much pollution does one car cause a year?

Gasoline weighs about 6.3 pounds per gallon. Each gallon of fuel results in 20 pounds of CO2, because carbon from the fuel combines with oxygen in the air. C12 + O16 + O16 = CO2. I fill my car once about once a week. Some people drive a lot more, and others a lot less, but I figure my car is probably close to average. The tank holds 15 gallons, so that is 15 x 20 = 300 pounds of CO2 per week. I drive about 50 weeks out of the year, so 50 * 300 = 15,000 pounds of CO2. That is about 7.5 tons per vehicle per year. Humans emit a little over 30 billion tons of CO2 per year altogether. Americans burn 375 million gallons of gas a day, emitting about 1.4 billion tons of CO2 per year. If we divide that by 7.5 we get 182 million vehicles, pretty close to one car for every two Americans. The math checks out reasonably well.

What causes a co2 car to decelerate?

A CO2 car decelerates due to factors such as friction with the track surface, air resistance, and rolling resistance from the wheels. These forces act in the opposite direction to the car's motion, causing it to slow down.

What is the average distance used in CO2 car competition?

What is the distance used in a CO2 car competition What is the distance used in a CO2 car competition

What makes a CO2 car fast?

the co2

How much C2 does a car produce?

If you are referring to CO2, it depends on what make/model/engine.