Henry Ford didn't invent the car.
Henry Ford
Henry Ford did not invent the car. He produced cars, starting in 1896 with the Quadricycle, his first automobile.
He built his first car the Quadricycle in 1896.
Henry Ford did not invent any car. He did however build a car. The first one he built was the Ford Quadricycle. It worked on it for almost 2 years.
Karl Benz built the first car. Henry Ford built the first assembly line to build a car on.
Henry Ford made the first car ever made in 1903
he was the first to invent the inexpensive car and his first car was a quadricycle
His first car was the Quadricycle invented in 1896.
Ford did not invent the car, he innovated the assembly line process for making cars.
Henry Ford invented his first car, the "Quadricycle" in 1896. Production of Ford vehicles started in 1904, and the first car to be mass produced was the Model A.
The first automatic car was invented by a man called Henry Ford.