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The dollar denomination didn't exist until the 1790s. Please post a new question with more details to help ID your coin.

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Q: 1700 silver dollar
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How much was 1 dollar in 1700?

A lot

What is a rare valuable year for Canadian silver dollars?

The 1966 Voyageur silver dollar with small beads around the edge is one of the most valuable silver dollars. It's listed at over $1700. Don't confuse it with the regular 1966 which is worth about $4 or 5.

How much is 1700 in euros to the dollar?

2358.07 US Dollars.

How many 100 dollar bills are in one thousand seven hundred?

1700/100 = 17 Therefore, $1700 is equal to seventeen $100 bills.

How much is a Morgan dollar 1700 worth?

The first year of issue for a Morgan dollar was 1878 please look at the coin again.

How many 20 dollar bill make 1700?

To determine how many $20 bills make $1700, you would divide $1700 by $20. This calculation would give you the total number of $20 bills needed to make $1700. In this case, $1700 divided by $20 equals 85, so you would need 85 $20 bills to make $1700.

What did Spanish miners seek in Sonora and Arizona in the 1700 hundreds?

Gold and Silver.

What is 1700 US dollars in pounds?

$1700 converted into British pound sterling is £1087.90. This is because the conversion of dollar to sterling currently is 1:0.63993871. So $1700 multiply by 0.63993871 is equaled to £1087.90. The conversion exchange rate can frequently change.

What is the value of a 1796 US silver dollar?

If it is genuine, its retail value as of 06/2014 would range from about $1700 in the lowest grade to as much as $100,000 in uncirculated condition. However many older dollar-sized coins (not just "dollars" themselves) have been extensively counterfeited so you will need to have your coin professionally authenticated.

How much does 14 karat gold cost per ounce?

It cost 5000 dollar bro

What is the price of Pokemon heart gold soul silver in Pakistan?

The game costs about 1700 rupees in Pakistan

What is the melting point for silver?

Silver has a melting point of 961.8 degrees Celsius (1763.2 degrees Fahrenheit).