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An oligarchy is characterized by a small group of people controlling a government. Both Russia and the United States are considered by some to have traits of an oligarchy.

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9y ago

An Oligarchy is a government in which only a privileged few have power.

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9y ago

An Oligarchy is ruled by only a privileged few.

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Q: A government in which only the privileged few had the power is a?
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A form of government in which only a privileged few have the power is called?

An oligarchy is a system of government controlled by a small number of people. These people are often part of a small clan, clique, or organization.

What Government in which only a few people have power is called?

An oligarchy is "a government in which power is in the hands of a few."

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The elitist theory of government posits that political power is held by a small, privileged group of individuals who make decisions that benefit themselves rather than the broader population. This theory suggests that wealth, social status, or expertise can lead to a concentration of power among a select few in society.

What form of government only a few people rule?

An oligarchy is a form of government in which few people hold power.

What kind of government in which only a few people have power?

It's called an oligarchy

What is a type of government where only a few people have power?

Executive i assume. Since it has the president and such.

Was the government fair after the French Revolution?

Probably not, many were sincere proponents of good government, a few were corrupt, some were hungry for power and a few were involved in government only briefly and moved on. More than a few wanted to be fair, and sometimes were.

What is the system of government where a few wealthy people hold power over the larger group?

Oligarchy is government by the few. Plutocracy is government by the wealthy few.

What is the type of government were only few people hold power?

Oligarchy. In an oligarchy, power is vested in a small group of individuals or an elite class or party.

If you were given the chance to change the government of the Philippines which do think would be the appropriate government?

Good question! For me, a parliament form of government is a good alternative form than the present Philippine government because there are only few people that can handle political positions in the country. This means that only few are able to access power. Because only few people are in power, the people could monitor the activities of the government, there are no rooms for corruption and "under the table" activities because one could easily pin point who is to blame. A transparent government is what the Philippines need!

A government in which few people have power is called what?

An oligarchy is "a government in which power is in the hands of a few."

How were oligarchy and aristocracy similar?

Oligarchy and aristocracy were similar in that both were forms of government where power was concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or families. In an oligarchy, power was usually held by a small group of wealthy or well-connected individuals, while in an aristocracy, power was typically held by a hereditary ruling class of nobles or elites. Both systems often limited political participation to a privileged few and could lead to inequality and social unrest.