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Q: A group pardon to individuals for an offense against the government?
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A group pardon for an offense against the government is know as?

An amnesty.

A group pardon for an offense against the government is known as?


What is a group pardon for an offense against the government known as?

A pardon can be given to an individual or a group of people. They are generally given by the President to certain criminals.

What group pardon for an offense against the government is known as?

A pardon can be given to an individual or a group of people. They are generally given by the President to certain criminals.

Pardon for crimes against government?

A pardon for crimes against the government is known as amnesty.

What is a pardon for a wrong done against a government?

Amnesty is a pardon for wrongdoing against a government. For example, amnesty may be granted for the crime of illegal immigration into the country.

What is ammunity?

Amnesty is a general pardon for offenses against the government.

What do you call a pardon for crimes against the government?

Amnesty is the term given to such a pardon. It is an important government term that can allow a person to remain in a country.

The excusing of an offense without penalty?

Pardon is the act of excusing an offense without penalty. It is typically granted by a person in authority, such as a government official or a leader, and usually involves forgiving the individual for a specific crime or wrongdoing. A pardon can result in the removal of legal consequences, such as a prison sentence or a fine, associated with the offense.

What is it called when the president forgives those guilty of crimes against the federal government?

Its called a pardon

What is the abstract noun of verb pardon?

The abstract noun of the verb "pardon" is "pardon" itself. It refers to the act of forgiving or excusing someone for a mistake or offense.

Does a first offenders pardon from Louisiana still show on a background check or is it null and void?

If it is an actual pardon from the Governor AND you filed for the expungement of the offense from your criminal record, it will not be available to members of the general public (e.g.: individuals, or private employers doing background employment checks) HOWEVER - law enforcement, the courts, and government agencies doing background checks always retain access to these records.