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Q: A nations warlike practice or policy?
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What were the main problems faced by the Hebrews?

They were surrounded by warlike nations and idolaters.

Someone who supports a warlike policy in foreign affairs is a?

A hawk.

What is internal policy?

International policy is the same as foreign policy. Each nation deals with other nations based on the foreign policy of all nations.

Practice of taking control of weaker nations?

Imperialism is the practice of taking control of weaker nations.

What distinguishes a totalitarian government from a fascists one?

Fascism is a form of totalitarianism that involves extreme nationalism and warlike foreign policy.

What is the difference between policy and practice in human resource?

Yes, there is difference between policy and practice. A policy is rules, regulations and procedures that you should follow within a practice.

What does warlike mean in the Bible?

Same as the definition: bellicose, fond of war, etc. In the 20th Century, many in Europe spoke of Germany as being warlike. Though many peoples or kingdoms and nations are said to be warlike, perhaps the Romans stand at the front of the line in this description.Though the English exact term 'warlike' is not specifically used in the Bible, enough Scripture have the general description to be translated as such - consider Genesis 49:27 or Judges 20-21.Answer:The word "warlike" isn't in the Bible.

What is the nations overall plan for dealing with other nations?

By there foreign Policy

What is a nations overall plan for dealing why other nations?

foreign policy!!

What foreign policy did the tokugawa practice?

Open Door Policy

Is Maryland peaceful or warlike?

Back then, Maryland was warlike.

Where the Apaches warlike or peaceful?

warlike they fight alot