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no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

This is basically saying that no amendments can be made before 1888 and that any amendments made after that time cannot affect the first and fourth clauses of the ninth section in the first article of the constitution.

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No amendment can affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article of the Constitution before the year 1808.

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Q: According to Article V of the constitution no amendment may what?
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Is it against the constitution to put a time limit on the ratification of an amendment?

Per article V (5) of the US Constitution; there is not a time limit on the amendment process, although one may be in statute(s) or procedural rules later adopted by Congress or the Senate.

Which Article of the Constitution explains the process by which the Constitution may be amended if it becomes necessary?

Article V

What is article 5 of constitution?

Article V of the Constitution explains the amendment process of the Constitution, that is, how the Constitution may be amended. There are two processes for proposing amendments, either by two-thirds vote in each house of Congress or by an Article V Convention. All amendments thus far to the Constitution have been by proposal of Congress. The reason a convention to propose amendments, or Article V Convention has never been called despite the 750 applications from all 50 states, is because Congress refuses to obey the Constitution and call the convention. The Constitution mandates that if two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) apply for a convention, Congress must call it. A convention can only propose amendments to the present Constitution and is not empowered to write or propose a new or replacement Constitution. Regardless of how an amendment is proposed it must be ratified in the states either by three fourths vote in the state legislatures or by three fourths vote in state ratifying conventions. The method of ratification is by choice of Congress but Congress has no power to withhold a proposed amendment or veto it once it has been ratified. Once an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of our present Constitution.

Does Article 5 govern Constitutional amendments?

Article 5 of the US Constitution establishes the procedure by which the Constitution may be amended.

What issue does article V issue in the constitution?

Article V of the US Constitution contains a most unusual option; unusual because it has never been used in the history of the country. Why? Because Congress refuses to obey this provision, which says that Congress "shall" convene a convention of state delegates with the power to propose amendments to the Constitution. The one and only explicit requirement has long been satisfied. Much more than 2/3 of the states have asked for a convention. In fact, over 750 applications from all 50 states have been submitted; they can be examine on the website of Friends of the Article V Convention at

Related questions

Which amendment may be proposed by a national convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the states?

The ability to propose a amendment to the United States Constitution by having two-thirds of the states request a national convention is found in Article 5 of the Constitution. Article 5 gives instructions on how changes can be made to the Constitution.

What is the main idea behind Article 5 of the constitution?

Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process whereby the Constitution may be altered. Altering the Constitution consists of proposing an amendment or amendments and subsequent ratification

Is it against the constitution to put a time limit on the ratification of an amendment?

Per article V (5) of the US Constitution; there is not a time limit on the amendment process, although one may be in statute(s) or procedural rules later adopted by Congress or the Senate.

What provision in the Constitution is not subject to amendment through Article V?

According to Article V, two provisions, one which has expired, the other still in effect may not be amended. The first was importation of slaves the prohibition of which was forbidden until the early 1800's. The second is that no state may, without its own consent, be deprived of its equal representation in the senate. As the Constitution mandates an amendment is passed at three fourths ratification of the states this effectively means this provision of the Constitution cannot be amended as it would require more ratification votes than the Constitution permits meaning the amendment itself would be unconstitutional.

Which Article of the Constitution explains the process by which the Constitution may be amended if it becomes necessary?

Article V

Which article of the Constitution explains the process by which of the constitution may be amended if it becomes necessary?

Article V

What is article 5 of constitution?

Article V of the Constitution explains the amendment process of the Constitution, that is, how the Constitution may be amended. There are two processes for proposing amendments, either by two-thirds vote in each house of Congress or by an Article V Convention. All amendments thus far to the Constitution have been by proposal of Congress. The reason a convention to propose amendments, or Article V Convention has never been called despite the 750 applications from all 50 states, is because Congress refuses to obey the Constitution and call the convention. The Constitution mandates that if two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) apply for a convention, Congress must call it. A convention can only propose amendments to the present Constitution and is not empowered to write or propose a new or replacement Constitution. Regardless of how an amendment is proposed it must be ratified in the states either by three fourths vote in the state legislatures or by three fourths vote in state ratifying conventions. The method of ratification is by choice of Congress but Congress has no power to withhold a proposed amendment or veto it once it has been ratified. Once an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of our present Constitution.

Why An amendment may become part of the constitution upon?

An amendment may become part of the US Constitution on ratification. Ratification requires that three fourths of the states vote for the amendment in their state legislatures.

Which article of the US Constitution discusses the electoral college?

Article II of the United States Constitution states that "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

Can the total number of members change in Senate?

No, it could not be changed by Congress alone. The US Constitution would have to be amended to do so. According to Article V of the US Constitution, the process would take a vote of two thirds of both houses of Congress to propose such an amendment, or upon an application by the legislatures of two thirds of the states, it could call for a constitutional convention for the proposal of such an amendment. Once final form of the amendment has been settled upon, it would have to be ratified by three quarters of the States, in order to make such a change to the Constitution. This would result in an Amendment to the Constitution (similar to other amendments, such as the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote).

What issue does Article V address?

it provides a way for the Constitution to be amended.or changeged. the process of witch the constuituion may be changed is not a easy one.

Does Article 5 govern Constitutional amendments?

Article 5 of the US Constitution establishes the procedure by which the Constitution may be amended.