john paul Jones
In 1779, while in command of the American vessel "Bon Homme Richard", Captain John Paul Jones engaged the British frigate HMS Serapis in the "Battle of Flamborough Head". While maneuvering to grapple the Serapis and board her, the British captain taunted Jones "Will you yield?", the Bon Homme Richard having been severely damaged. Jones replied "I have not yet BEGUN to fight!" After a prolonged battle, the Americans prevailed and the captain of the Serapis surrendered. The American crew was forced to abandon the sinking Bon Homme Richard, and sailed the Serapis to (neutral) Holland for repairs.
"the fight has just Begin!" John Paul Jones. Also that he didn't start to fight or the war has not begun
The Battle of Serapis was important, because it was a big part of the American Revolution. Once John Paul Jones won this battle, the British were embarrassed because they were defeated. The British, at the time, had the most powerful navy and were overpowered by soldiers who didn't have nearly that much training. Also, this battle inspired the Americans, because it showed that the British could be defeated and now they just had to defeat them on land to win the Revolutionary War
James Madison had benn elected to represent Virgina in 1779
John Paul Jones
The Serapis
The Serapis
There were five ships named "Serapis", none were ever sunk in battle. HMS Serapis (Frigate) Launched 1779, and captured a few month later by the Continental Navy, and then sold to France. Sank of the coast of Madigascar due to an accidental fire. HMS Serapis (Frigate) Launched in 1782, converted to a store ship in 1795 and sold to a civilian merchant in 1826 HMS Serapis (Iron Screw Troopship) Launched 1866, served until 1894 when it was scrapped. HMS Serapis (Destroyer) Launched in 1918 and sold to Argentina in 1934 HMS Serapis (Destroyer) Launched 1943 and sold to Netherlands in 1945
The Serapis surrendered to John Paul jones
Captain John Paul Jones became the captain of the Serapis after his own ship The Bonhomme Richard sank in battle with her. The previous captain of the Serapis was Captain Pearson. As an side, the HMS Serapis was unique in that it had a hull made of copper.
The ship defeated by the Bonhommie Richard was ship Serapis 1779 _1747-1792.
john paul Jones
The Battle of Flamborough Head, at which John Paul Jones' ship Bonhomme Richard defeated the British 44-gun escort HMS Serapis, took place on September 23, 1779.