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To become the President you must be either: * The President-Elect. * The Vice President when the President dies. * The Speaker of the House when the President and Vice President die, * The President Pro Tempore of the Senate when the President, Vice President and Speaker of the House dies. * The Secretary of State when the President, Vice President, Speaker of the House and President Pro Tempore of the Senate dies. * etc.

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Q: Another title for the president of the US?
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What is another title for the president of the US?

The Commander-in-Chief or the Chief Executive.

What is another title for the president of the US american?

Chief Executive of the United States

Another title for the president of the US of America is called what?

Commander and Chief of the United States

What is another title for the president of a company?

Another title is: General Manager.

What is the correct title for a FORMER president of the US?

The correct title for a former president of the United States is "former President."

Appropriate title for US president?

the Commander in Chief Mr. President

Who holds the title of president of the US?

Barack Obama.

When does a us president stop being called a president?

A current United States President no longer holds the title of a United States President when a new US President is elected.

What is the title of the political leader of the US?

The President of the United States.

What is the title of the official song of the president of the US?

Hail to the Chief

What other title does the president of the US also have?

Commander in Chief

Can the vice president accept the title of duke of Andalusia while he holds the office of US vice president?

No US citizen may hold a title of nobility. Therefore a Vice-President, who must be a citizen of the US to hold that office, cannot accept the title of Duke of Andalusia before during or after holding that office.