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They make people believe that they have done a lot to public without doing anything.

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Jettie Ryan

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4y ago
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12y ago


I think that political parties are mainly good. If there were no political parties, America would have a government that would be communist, a Dictatorship or any other type of government. The people would vote for the person representing the party that they agree with most. If most of the people would want the Republican representative, they would vote for them and that person would hopefully (for them, not everyone) win and become the leader, or the other way around with the Democratic party. Political Parties could possibly help a less developed country advance.

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14y ago

It's an opinion thing really, but as far as I'm concerned political parties in general are a bad idea. Political Parties tend to encourage people to stop thinking for themselves and start thinking what their party thinks.

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12y ago

It can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it.... But politics are necessary to a country because without politics the United States wouldn't exist as it is... We wouldn't have a president or anything we have today...

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9y ago

It is a very subjective question if political parties are good or bad for America. There are arguments from both the left and the right that in its current form, they are bad.

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12y ago

politics is not good nor bad, it is just a process of allocating scarce resources authoritatively .

eijie solima

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Q: Are political parties good or bad for America?
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Why didn't George Washington warn against political parties?

Washington did warn against political parties. He was very persistent in saying they were bad for our nation's growth.

What caused the Era of Good Feelings?

After the War of 1812, the Federalist party died out, leaving only one political party, the Democratic Republicans. This unity and lack of separate parties caused the Era of Good Feelings, when only one political party existed.

Is it bad to have political competition?

it is bad because in this so many dirty tricks are used to win the vote. even the good leaders are never come to this competition.

Is it true that The national chairman of a political party is a volunteer and handles only the planning of the national conventions?

No, that is not true. There may have been a time when national chairs of political parties were just volunteering their time, but in modern times, campaigns have become big business, and political parties play an important role in getting candidates elected. Candidates need to raise large sums of money to get elected, and while they can rely on wealthy political donors, they also rely on their party leaders to help set the political agenda and get the message out across the country. Thus, chairs of political parties are well paid for what is a very demanding job: today, they do much more than run the conventions, although that is one aspect of their job. They are being paid to make sure the public has a favorable view of both the party and the candidates. This means coordinating the campaign in each state (working with campaign managers, consultants, and strategists), honing the message, and guiding the direction of the campaign. It also means going on TV and radio to defend the candidate on behalf of the political party, and to oversee the political ads that will be used to make the other party and its candidates look bad.

What does the Constitution say about political parties?

George Washington warned the country against "factions", or political parties, because he said they would divide the nation. National political parties, in the modern sense, were unknown in America when George Washington took his inaugural oath. There had been Whigs and Tories, federalists and antifederalists, but these groups were factions rather than p arties. They had spurng into existence over hotly contested special issues; they had faded away when their cause had triumphed or fizzled.The Founders at Philadelphia had not envisioned the existence of permanent political parties. Organized opposition to the government - especially a democractic government based on popular consent - seemed tainted with disloyalty. Opposition to the government affronted the spirit of national unity that the glorious cause of the Revolution had inspired. The ntion of a formal party apparatus was thus a novelty in the 1790s.[Excerpt from The American Pageant, 12th Edition]Parties are vehicles of ambition and selfish interest that threaten the existence of republican government.

Related questions

Is political parties good or bad?


Who thought political parties were bad for the government?

George Washington is noted for warning against political parties.

Why didnt George Washington like the idea of political parties?

George Washington didn't like the idea of political parties because he believed they would create divisions and conflicts within the country. He felt that political parties would prioritize their own interests over the greater good of the nation. Washington feared that political parties would weaken the unity of the country and hinder effective governance.

Why didn't George Washington warn against political parties?

Washington did warn against political parties. He was very persistent in saying they were bad for our nation's growth.

What caused the creation of our two political parties?

Because some people thought taxation without representation was bad.

What work political parties do in India?

India has 2 national parties and numerous regional parties. These parties organize rallies, criticize government's bad decisions and even contest in elections. The party that wins people's support forms the government and take decisions.

If you and your girl or boyfriend are for different political parties Would it be bad for a relationship?

If it turns into a heated debate, yes it can be come a problem. But if both can just get along other wise and no heated debates then sounds good. Hope this is helpful.

What jobs did adolf Hitler have befor fuhrer?

Going to meetings of political parties that were suspected of doing bad things. Trying to become a painter.

What caused the Era of Good Feelings?

After the War of 1812, the Federalist party died out, leaving only one political party, the Democratic Republicans. This unity and lack of separate parties caused the Era of Good Feelings, when only one political party existed.

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Reasons why walmart is good for America in this bad economic time?

Walmart is good for america in many ways . Thank you for looking .

Is bifurification of marriage good or bad?

A bifurification of a marriage is similar to an annulment. The marriage will be dissolved quickly over a financial crisis with one of the parties. It is very subjective as to whether this is a good or bad practice.