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is their only three members in the washingtons cabinet

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Q: Are there only three cainet members in Washington's Cabinet?
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Who are three the cabinet members of the US titles?


What departments made up Washington's cabinet?

Washington had only three members of his original cabinet. They were the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of State.

What did Lewis and clark name the three forks in the river?

Lewis and Clark named the three forks in the river after the president and two cabinet members. The members names were Madison and Gallatin.

Three types of governmental positions that the president can appoint but must be approved by the senate?

Ambassadors, Federal judges and Cabinet members fall into this category.

Name the team of three members sent by the British Government to find a solution to the question of India's independence?

this team was called cabinet mission...............

How can cabinet be used in a sentence?

He had three cabinets in his desk. The cabinet here is the number of partitions.

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How many Hispanics are there in Cabinet?

I know Alberto Gonzalez was appointed Cabinet member in Feb 2005, but i read that Barak Obama is appointing as much as 4 Hispanic members to his Cabinet, and rightly so as they are the largest Ethnic minority in the USA, but i am not entirely sure the number of members at the moment, i hope this helped :) Overall, Obama has picked five women, four blacks, three Hispanics and two Asians as Cabinet-level appointments. The team includes former rivals, political opponents and even a few who had standout careers in basketball, Obama's favorite sport.

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What are the three powers of the executive branch?

It is written in the Constitution of United States of America in the Section I of the Article II that the Executive Department is consisted of the President, Vice President, and Cabinet members.

When a President appoints the members of his or her Cabinet he or she exercises the role of?

He is performing the role of chief executive by choosing his staff to run the government. There are three branches of government: legislative; executive and judicial. There is a balance of power among the three branches. The executive branch carries out laws passed by congress within a budget approved by congress. The president has certain powers outlined within the constitution and the authority to appoint people to run the cabinet departments. Congress must approve the appointment of cabinet secretaries.