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The Speaker of the House is the second in line of succession behind the vice president.

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Q: Can Speaker of the House of Representative become president?
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Related questions

Who become president and vice preident after they die?

house of Representative for president president pro tempore of the senate for vice president

Who become president after vice president?

speaker of house.

Who become president if the president and the vice president is no longer?

Speaker of the House

When the post of the president and the vice president both are vacant then who among the following officiates as the president?

the speaker of the house of representative.

When the post of the president and the vice president both are vecant then who among the following officiates as the president?

speaker of the house of representative.

After the Vice President who is next in the line of succession to become president?

speaker of the house then president pro temp then secretary of state

Who was the first president to be speaker of the house?

No US President has gone on to become Speaker after their presidency. The closest thing to that was when former President Taft was made the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court in 1921. The only Speaker of the House to become President was James K. Polk. President Gerald Ford, when nominated to become Vice President in 1973, was serving as the House Minority Leader. Lyndon Johnson, when elected Vice President, was the Senate Majority Leader.

Did a speaker of house ever become president?

James Knox Polk is the only US President to have held that office.

Who is third in line to become president?

the house speaker

Who becomes the president if the president and the vice- president die?

If both the President and the Vice President are unable to serve, then the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives would become President.

Why is the speaker of the house important?

The speaker of the house is very important. He/she becomes president of the US in the event the President and vice president become unable to hold their office.

Who would become president if the us president and vice president died?

The Speaker of the House.