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No, technically a court can only "interpret" the laws set forth by the legislature. However, some "activist" courts have taken it upon themselves to give a whole new meaning to the law, effectively enacting one that the legislature never intended.

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14y ago

No, the supreme court does not propose laws. The main function of the supreme court is to review congressional laws and executive (presidential) actions for their compliance with the constitution of the us. The supreme court reviews the actions of the legislative and executive branch of government. They do not propose any laws.

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7y ago

Yes and no.

Formal, written laws are made by Congress or by state legislatures, and are called enacted laws. The US Supreme Court is not a legislative (law-making) body, but its decisions carry the rule of law. Judicial decisions may become common law, (or case law) which is enforceable, but different from the enacted laws created by the Senate and House of Representatives.

Congress and the state legislatures may choose to codify common law, or transform it into enacted law, by passing legislation. The courts do not participate in this type of law-making.

It is important to remember not all judicial decisions create common law; most simply interpret or apply existing laws.

For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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12y ago
Answer:The Supreme Court cannot make laws, only Congress can do that in the federal government. The role of the courts is only to interpret laws, or sometimes to invalidate laws, if the law in question is found to be unconstitutional, but they cannot create new laws. Answer:No, the Supreme Court is part of the Judicial System of Government. They can only define the laws. The legislative branch is responsible for drafting and revising the laws of the land.

Lastly, the Executive branch is responsible for enforcing and "approving" the laws.

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13y ago

Only indirectly is the Supreme Court a help in making laws. If the Supreme Court declares a law to be unconstitutional and therefore invalid, it explains why it made that ruling. Congress then may try to rewrite the law and remove the objectionable parts. (The Supreme Court does not give opinions on proposed legislation. )

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13y ago

No. US Supreme Court justices are part of the Judicial Branch; Congress is part of the Legislative Branch. The Supreme Court does not play a role in writing bills or passing laws.

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