

Can a civilian buy a military weapon?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Unfortunately not legally. a Civilian can buy a weapon similar to one that is issued to soldiers. For example: The equivalent of the M-16 is the AR-15. some differences is that the AR-15 is not fully automatic and dosent have a 3 round burst option. it wont be specially customized like military does.

Somethings you can do if you want a fully auto rifle is buy one that was made prior 10 1986. then bring it to someone that handles rifles and they can add a few parts and alter the configuration. this is very costly though.

you can get one illegally through the black market. but it isn't worth it because you cant show anyone or enjoy it in public

It depends on where you are and exactly what you want. In some parts of the world civilians seem to have access to weapons as large mortars and rocket propelled grenades and all kinds of full-auto weapons. In most of the US, you can buy surplus military rifles and handguns. Even full-auto weapons can be purchased if you have the proper license and follow all of the BATF rules.

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Continue Learning about American Government

How did the framers of the constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.

Does the executive branch execute military assignments?

Yes. The military is considered a part of the executive branch. The President is also considered to be the highest ranking commander of the military- the "commander-in-chief"- although he is not actually in the military. The Founding Fathers wanted the commander-in-chief to be a civilian, not a military officer.

Why is civilian rule better than military rule?

The military rules by force and not by the will of the people. Military rule is seldom for the good of the people. Civil rights, in fact basic human rights are often none existent under military rule.The military are AUTHORITARIAN in nature.The civilians gives room for public opinion which is lacking in military

What are the dangers of a military not under civilian control?

A military controlling government and power is dangerous. It becomes a hunta and can install a military dictator to run the government. When that happens there is a loss of rights by the citizens. Checks on authorities is lost when the authorities can shoot citizens because they protest the government.

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The meaning of Civil Protection is an effort to protect civilians and citizens of a city from military attack. This means that the military tries to keep war efforts focused on themselves rather than civilian cities.

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