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No, a person cannot serve as both President and Senator at the same time.

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Q: Can a president serve a senator during is term?
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Can the US president serve as senator during his term?

I do not believe so.

Does the president have the power to serve as a senator during his term?

No- the president had to give up his seat in the Senate when he became president/

Who serves a term for 6 years?

A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.

How many years can you serve as a senator?

A senator's term is 6 years, but they have no term limit.

Can a senator serve more than one term and how long?

A United State senator can serve a 6-year term -Earl Lane

When the Senator was elected to a second term what was he?

When the Senator was elected to a second term, he continued to serve in office for an additional term.

How long is the term of a senator?

senators serve a 6-year term

Do presidents have to serve one term as senator?

No, that is not a requirement.

What state did Barack Obama become a US senator?

Illinois, for four years-2004 to 2008. His term ended when he resigned to serve as President.

How many terms can a senator serve?

A senator can serve as many terms as the voters continue to elect him. There are no term limits for senators.

How many terms may a senator serve?

There are no term limits.

How long is the term of a sentor?

The term of a US senator is 6 years. There is no limit to how many consecutive terms a senator can serve if re-elected.