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Certainly. A republic can become am empire and an empire can become a republic, or several republics. Any form of government can be changed into any other form of government.

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Q: Can a republic become an empire?
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What did Rome become after the republic failed?

An empire as it is erronously called. Rome was an empire under the republic. After the fall of the republic Rome became a Principate, ruled by a principle person.

How did the Roman republic become the Roman empire and the holy Roman empire?

The Holy Roman Empire had nothing to do with the Romans. It was a medieval institution centred around Germany. The Roman republic became an empire by expansion both before and after the Punic wars.

How did rome become a kingdom?

No. Rome was a Republic during 236. Rome was a monarchy in its founding and then again when it became the Roman Empire.

Who was the head of the French Republic?

The Committee of Public Safety was in charge of the French Republic. Eventually, Napoleon Bonaparte would become the head and then he transformed France into an empire.

What government did Rome go through prior to becoming an empire?

The monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in placeThe monarchy, which was followed by the republic. However remember that Rome was technically an empire under the republic. What is mistakenly called the "empire" was actually the principate a the empire was already in place

Which is better the empire or the republic?


How is a republic different from a empire?

In comparing a republic and an empire, you are trying to compare apples and oranges. An empire is a large holding. A republic is a form of government. The two have only a marginal relationship. An empire can be any large conglomerate, such as an industrial empire, a publishing empire, a financial empire or a political empire. A republic, as said above is a form or type of government. In a republic the people elect their officials to speak for them. A political empire, such as the Roman empire, can be ruled by a republic form of government, and it was for a time, until the principate form of government replaced the republic and ruled the empire. A more recent empire, the British empire, was ruled by a monarchy. A political empire can be ruled by various forms of government, with a republic being one of the types of government.

When did the roman empire become a republic?

In 509 BC, a group of Roman aristrocrats were fed up with their Etruscan King, Tarquin. They drove him out of Rome, and leading Patrician families took power and ruled as members of the senate, Rome became a Kingless Republic.

What empire is India in?

Its not in any empire. Its a republic.

What were the characteristics of the roman republic and how did they change overtime?

Boys were taught discipline as many were to eventually become soldiers. They changed into a empire.

How were the political systems of the Roman empire and the Roman republic different?

the Empire was virtually a Dictatorship and the republic was a democracy

Who is military and political leader who transformed the roman republic into a empire?

Julius Caesar is the military leader and the dictator who transformed the roman republic into an roman empire. He assumed total power after transforming the republic into the empire.