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An Executive Order CAN can be nullified if it's proven unconstitutional.

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Q: Can an Presidential executive order be reversed?
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Related questions

How is an executive order recinded?

how is a presidential executive order recinded

What term descrsibes presidential rules that have the force of law?

An exective order is a direct, rule, or regulation that has the effect of the law.

An executive order is?

a presidential statement that changes government policy

When a presidential executive order can be issued when?

Without congressional approval

What is the name for a presidential action that has the effect of law but does not have to be passed by congress?

In the US, a presidential action of this sort is called an "Executive Order". However, the ambit of an executive order in the United States is far less than a congressionally-passed law.

Which term is best defined as a presidential rule or command that has the force of law?

executive order

A presidential executive order can be issued under which circumstances?

A presidential executive order can only be issued by the president. The only variance to this rule is when the vice president is acting on behalf of the president due to his absence.

What is a direct rule or regulation from the president that has the effect of law?

A Presidential Edict, or Executive Order in the USA.

When were the Japanese camps established?

They were established under Presidential Executive Order 9066 on 19 February 1942.

What is a presidential directive to an agency that orders the agency to follow a particular policy?

The directive is called an executive order.

What presidential is executive branch?


What is the difference between and executive suite and a presidential suite?

The precise differences between an Executive and Presidential Suite will vary by hotel. Commonly though, a Presidential Suite is larger than an Executive Suite and will have more or higher quality amenities.