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No because, because aliens don't exist. Plus if they exist they would want aliens to have rights and humans to have rights so it is fair the constitution is about fairness. Or they would do experiments on them.

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Q: Can the Constitution be amended to remove unalienable rights?
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Why was the US Constitution amended to include all bill of rights

Why was the us Constitution amended to include the bill of rights?

Why was the US Constitution amended to include all bill of rights

Why was the us constitution amended to include a bill of rights?

Why was the us constitution amended to include all bill of rights

Who gives the unalienable rights?

According to the U.S. Constitution it is the person's Creator.

What has the US Constitution amended over?

what I think is that they amended the Constitution to reduce the risks and give its citizens a few basic rights

What does the Constitution basically say?

It gives us our 'unalienable' rights such as voting and stuff.

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Where does it speak of unalienable rights in the us constitution?

No part of the Constitution discusses unalienable rights; that concept comes from the Declaration of Independence, which claims all [people] are born with the "unalienable" right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence is not a legal document, however, and no government body is required to uphold its principles (except to the extend they're supported by the Constitution). The rights enumerated in the Constitution are not "unalienable," and are not absolute.

According to the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the Framers of the Constitution who has unalienable rights?

all people

How many times has the Constitution been amended to extend voting rights?

The US Constitution has been amended 5 time to extend voting rights. The 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 26th amendments were regarding voting rights.

How has the constitution been amended to expand the amount of people who are involved in government and how has the constitution been reinterpreted to expand the rights of the people?

The Constitution has been amended by adding the Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10) and adding amendments 11-27.

What could have happened if the writers of the constitution had not allowed it to be amended?

The Constitution would never have been ratified. The Antifederalist opponents believed that it did not protect the rights of the people and states enough, so if it were never to be amended, we wouldn't have the Bill of Rights and thus the ratification of the constitution