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not the united states government, because of the constitution. However, slander is illegal, and if you make threats against someones life or the government, they'll probably have an eye on you

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15y ago
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14y ago

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Among other rights listed here, Congress is under an obligation to recognize and protect a free press and its' freedom to pass on information because the Constitution recognizes (not grants) this right. This means that the press cannot be suppressed and the government cannot define acceptable content. Under the principles of free speech, this would imply that editorial content cannot be regulated either. Even if a news outlet is "extremist" or has objectionable (even "offensive") opinions, they have the inalienable (it is not granted from outside of themselves, they possess it by mere virtue of being human) right to print, speak and broadcast those viewpoints.

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12y ago

Well last Time I checked the Constitution didn't say that We had the freedom of speech until the Government decided to take it away...

However there are some things that the government shouldn't release to the entire public. So in some ways they are restricting your speech rights-- but you wouldn't want to know some of the things top government officials know anyway.

However if you don't live in a free country like America, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand ( Just to list a few) than the government will not give you as many rights.

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12y ago

According to the Supreme Court there are time when free speech can be limited. One can not pose a danger or cause a riot. The most common example is you can not yell fire in a crowded theater, if there is no fire. There have been times when the freedom of the press has been limited like under the Adams administration.

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7y ago

The first amendment to the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. What this amendment does not endorse are calls for violence or treason. The first amendment is vital but has normal restrictions. A person cannot exercise free speech by yelling "fire" in a theater when there is no fire.

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15y ago

offcourse there are already limits on freedom of expression

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11y ago

The gov't can limit free speech or press if the communication is advertising.

Commercial Speech is protected by the 1st and 14th Amendment.

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Can government limit freedom of expression?

Yes, freedom of expression can be limited if any obscenity of defamation is used. Also, government can restrict your time, place, and manner. For example, you cant shout "Fire" in a theater just for fun. Somebody could get hurt rushing out of the theater. Freedom is a very valuable freedom, but could be limited in some ways. Yes, freedom of expression can be limited if any obscenity of defamation is used. Also, government can restrict your time, place, and manner. For example, you cant shout "Fire" in a theater just for fun. Somebody could get hurt rushing out of the theater. Freedom is a very valuable freedom, but could be limited in some ways.

What government actions during the communist scare conflicted with the bill of rights?

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, self incrimination.

What part of the constitution gives you the freedom to voice your opinion what is it called?

This Right is found in the First amendment and is generally called the right to freedom of expression or the right to free speech though in reality it covers freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and the right to petition the government.

What is Freedom of speech in the work place?

The guarantee of freedom of speech and the press apply to government limits on your freedom, not your employer's limits. For example, if you work at Gimbel's department store, the government could not stop you from wearing a shirt that advertises for Macy's, but you r employer could. Essentially, because you are free to find another job, your employer can limit your activities in the workplace in ways that the government is not allowed.

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What puts a limit on censorship?

Freedom of expression

What are the tests for valid Government interference to freedom of expression?


When the government uses censorship the government puts a limit on what?

Censorship limits freedom of expression. It also limits the right of TV viewers, art viewers, or book readers to choose the content they want to take in.

Can government limit freedom of expression?

Yes, freedom of expression can be limited if any obscenity of defamation is used. Also, government can restrict your time, place, and manner. For example, you cant shout "Fire" in a theater just for fun. Somebody could get hurt rushing out of the theater. Freedom is a very valuable freedom, but could be limited in some ways. Yes, freedom of expression can be limited if any obscenity of defamation is used. Also, government can restrict your time, place, and manner. For example, you cant shout "Fire" in a theater just for fun. Somebody could get hurt rushing out of the theater. Freedom is a very valuable freedom, but could be limited in some ways.

What are Freedom of religion and freedom of expression?

Freedom of religion allows people to believe what they want and to express themselves through a church or not. There is no state religion and the government is secular. Freedom of expression is freedom of speech.

How does the censorship affect the government?

Limited the freedom of expression and the rights

What are three things that the constitution gave power to the federal government?

freedom of religion freedom of expression and freedom of speech

Does Russia's constitution limit the power of government?

The nearest it had to a Bill of Rights was when it accepted the Helsinki Accords in 1975. These meant that the country should accept freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of conscience as well as other, international agreements.

Can the government limit your right to freedom of belief?

Nope, the US Constitution clearly states the freedom of belief.

What government actions during the communist scare conflicted with the bill of rights?

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, self incrimination.

When will government limit freedom of religion?

That is currently happening. Several governments limit the freedom of religion. As an example, in Iran, if you change your religion (from Muslim to something else) you can get executed for "apostasy".

Does national government limit freedom of choice?

All governments limit freedom. Each and every law and regulation reduces your individual freedoms and choices. Very few are justifiable.