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He receives a salary and had an expenses account to use while on government business. I do not what else you may mean by compensation.

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Q: Can the president receive any compensation from the federal government while in office?
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Who was the first President to receive a government pension?


Members of both houses receive what a what for their services?

They receive a Compensation for their services' its in the Constitution. :)

How much does npr get from government?

From NPR's site: "While NPR does not receive any direct federal funding, it does receive a small number of competitive grants from CPB and federal agencies like the Department of Education and the Department of Commerce. This funding amounts to approximately 2% of NPR's overall revenues."

According to the Constitution what must the President do?

He must have held one major public office.

What are the four basic types of agencies in the federal executive branch?

The vast majority of agencies in the executive branch of the federal government are: Cabinet; independent; commissions; and government corporations. There are currently 15 cabinet agencies. Most of these are vast and diverse with numerous divisions and or bureaus. For example OSHA is in the Department of Labor. These are the largest of government agencies, and are directed by a lead official usually referred to as a secretary. The secretaries are appointed by the president with Senate consent, and they often have a number of assistant and deputy secretaries who are also politically appointed by the president. The independent agencies are similar to the cabinet agencies in that the president appoints a lead administrator, and this person reports to the president. Independent agencies are typically much smaller than cabinet agencies and also have more narrowly defined tasks. The CIA, NASA, and EPA are some of the most well know independent agencies. They are called independent agencies because they are not in a cabinet agency. FEMA was once an independent agency but now is in the Department of Homeland Security, a cabinet agency. Government commissions, often referred to as regulatory commissions, differ from these other agencies in that they have multiple leaders. The SEC has five commissioners, of whom one is appointed chair by the president. All of the commissioners are appointed by the president with Senate consent and they serve for fixed terms. Thus, a new president cannot remove them like he can remove the heads of other agencies. These commissions usually regulate business. Examples include the FCC, and FTC. The fourth type of government organization is government corporations. These organizations may have multiple or single leaders. The Tennessee Valley Authority and Amtrak are examples of government corporations. They are usually part public and part private in that they can issue bond debt to raise their own money for capital projects, and also receive appropriations from the federal government. They engage in what are common marketplace functions like communications, transportation, and energy.

Related questions

How much money does President Obama receive from Federal Government?

400,000 to 500,000

What compensation does that us president receive?

$400,000 a year

What term is used when referring to the presidents salary?

"Compensation" and "emolument." Article 2, Section 6 states that the president shall receive for his services a "compensation". Later in the section it states that the president shall not receive any other "emolument" from any state.

Why does the state government receive all of their money from the federal government?

The state governments do not receive all their money from the Federal government. The majority of their funds come from state income taxes, property taxes and sales taxes.

How long does a former president receive a pension according to the former presidents act?

For the rest of their lives, unless the former president is holding an appointed or elected position in the Federal Government or the government of the District of Columbia and pays more than a 'nominal fee.'

Which government officials receive appointment for life?

Federal Judges

Who was the first President to receive a government pension?


What are federal employees are permitted to do?

Federal employees work for the vast federal government. This covers all government agencies, so there are thousands of them. They are permitted to work for the federal government. Federal employees are permitted to do their assigned jobs and receive pay for doing so.

Can you get workmans compensation for taking meds that keep you from being able to do your job safely?

Workman's Compensation is administered by the individual States and the rules that apply vary from State to State. Federal employees fall under The Federal Workman's Compensation. In my State, Workman's Compensation is available only if the condition preventing you from working is a work related illness or injury. You can get information at:, they have information for Federal and each individual State. You can also call your local Workman's Compensation Board. Reasons Why You Can't Get Workman's Compensation 1. If you are taking medication so that you are unable to do your job safely and receive workman's compensation. 2. If you have a condition that require you to take medication that makes you unable to work safely. If you apply for unemployment due to disability, then yes you can receive workman's compensation.

Who can receive compensation directly from an owner?

The person who can receive compensation directly from an owner is his next of kin.

Should workers compensation appear as income on Form 1040?

No. Workers compensation that you receive under a workers compensation act for job-related sickness or injuries isn't taxable. You don't include it as income on Form 1040.

Is the housing authority state or federal?

Housing authorities are instrumentalities of the state, although most receive funding from the Federal government.