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Q: Compared the caucus and the convention methods the number of people who can participate in choosing candidates through the the direct primary is?
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The method most used in the United States for choosing delegates to a party convention is the?

Primaries or Primary. Delegates to the national convention are allocated (chosen) on the basis of percentage of votes candidates win in the presidential primary. This system has been used in most of the states.

The Constitutional Convention gave the job of choosing a chief executive to?

electors chosen by the state :)tr678yu9iop[

What do low voter turnout and political apathy endanger?

These endanger democracy. If people do not participate (if they do not pay attention to the issues and they do not vote), only a small number of vested interests will control the government. Democracy works best when a large number of people let their opinions be known; some people express themselves by volunteering to help in a campaign, or by attending meetings to learn more about the candidates. When citizens vote, they are choosing the candidates they believe will most closely represent their views. Thus, low voter turnout means the public was not engaged and/or did not feel excited about any of the candidates.

What happens at their party's convention if none of the candidates have enough delegates to win the nomination?

There will be a brokered national convention. After the delegates vote as pledged, and no one gets the majority of delegates, then the delegates vote again, this time not necessarily as they pledged to, that is, not necessarily as the voters from their states wanted them to. They vote again and again until a decision is reached.

What are the state primaries?

Primary elections are preliminary elections for the purpose of choosing the candidates for the main elections that actual choose the office-holders. The term "state primary" may refer to an election held within a state to choose candidates for the presidential election or it may refer to primaries held to choose candidates for state offices.

Related questions

Does the direct primary increase the number of people who can participate in choosing candidates or decrease the number?

Compared to the caucus and the convention methods, the number of people who can participate in choosing candidates through a direct primary is much greater.

How did the national convention system began for nominating presidential candidates?

The system the convention set up for choosing President was the electoral college.

The method most used in the United States for choosing delegates to a party convention is the?

Primaries or Primary. Delegates to the national convention are allocated (chosen) on the basis of percentage of votes candidates win in the presidential primary. This system has been used in most of the states.

What convention is a meeting in which a political party will choose its candidate for president?

These meeting are called political conventions. Nowadays, primary elections are more important than the conventions for choosing candidates.

What abolished the French monarchy and established a republic?

In 1792 the French monarchy was abolished by the National Convention.

What are the steps of choosing the president and the vice president?

To nominate candidates.

A is an election that is part of of the process for choosing presidential candidates?


Is an election that is part of the process of choosing presidential candidates?

caucus_nominating convention_primary

What is an election that is part of the process for choosing presidential candidates.?

presidential primary

Do nominating conventions replace caucuses for choosing presidential candidates?

no isthis answer right

After which year could American women participate in choosing the president?

after 1920

The most party oriented means of choosing delegates to the national convention is?

A caucus