The Constitution states that expressed powers are the federal governments.
To limit the power of the federal government
The state governments was granted six powers. The state powers are: to establish local governments; to regulate commerce within a state; to conduct elections; to ratify amendments to the federal Constitution; to take measures for public health, safety, and morals; and to exert powers the Constitution does not delegate to the national government or prohibit the states from using.
Setting up public schools
The powers of the Federal government delineated in the US Constitution, give the federal government its duty to enforce Federal laws granted to it by the Constitution. If the powers not mentioned to belong to the Federal government, are left to the States.
Federalism is the principle that gives power to the state governments. The U.S. Constitution divides the powers between the states and the Federal government.
In the US, the Federal government's powers are derived by the US Constitution. Taking this back a step, it was the states that created the Constitution. At its beginning, however, the source of the US Federal governments powers are derived from the citizens of the USA.
Powers that the constitution sets aside for state governments
To limit the power of the federal government
The United States Constitution provided that states and the federal government would share certain powers. These powers are called Concurrent Powers. Examples of such powers are the power to tax and borrow money
The United States Constitution was ratified in order to establish a federal government with specified powers as well as conducting relations with foreign governments.
It reserves, all powers not delegated to the federal government for the states
The state governments was granted six powers. The state powers are: to establish local governments; to regulate commerce within a state; to conduct elections; to ratify amendments to the federal Constitution; to take measures for public health, safety, and morals; and to exert powers the Constitution does not delegate to the national government or prohibit the states from using.
Federal Laws and the federal constitution super cedes the states.
Setting up public schools
The powers of the Federal government delineated in the US Constitution, give the federal government its duty to enforce Federal laws granted to it by the Constitution. If the powers not mentioned to belong to the Federal government, are left to the States.