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A Blastula is the usually spherical structure produced by cleavage of a zygote, consisting of a single layer of cells (blastoderm) surrounding a fluid-filled cavity (blastocoele). It is the early form of an animal embryo that develops from a morula. It is also called a blastosphere.

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Q: Describe the composition of a blastula?
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What is the composition of a blastula?

the blastula is an early stage of embryonic development in animals. its a hollow sphere of cells surrounding an inner fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoele formed during an early stage of embryonic development in animals

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Do all animals have a blastula?

yes they have a blastula.

Is blastula the name of a hormone?

no, blastula is a generation on pregnancy

How is a blastula different from a gastrula?

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1) How is a Gastrula different from the Blastula?

Name the outer layer of blastula?

The outer layer of blastula is always known as ectoderm.

What comes first gastrula or blastula?

The blastula is the developmental stage that forms before the gastrula. During embryonic development, the blastula undergoes a process called gastrulation, which results in the formation of the gastrula.

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Regarding the composition of ocean water, I would describe it as a homogeneous mixture, or solution.

Compare the frogs blastula with that of a sea star?

The frog blastula is formed through holoblastic cleavage, resulting in a multicellular blastula with a fluid-filled cavity (blastocoel). In contrast, the sea star blastula is formed through radial holoblastic cleavage, leading to a solid blastula with no blastocoel. Additionally, the frog blastula undergoes gastrulation to form a gastrula with three germ layers, while the sea star blastula directly develops into a bipinnaria larva without gastrulation.

What is a blastocoele?

A blastocoele is the fluid-filled cavity in the blastula.

What kingdom does the whitefish blastula belong to?

The Whitefish blastula is a fish so it belongs in the Animal kingdom.