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he wanted to keep the people of the colonies unified

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Q: Despite being opposed to independence at the Second Continental Congress Edward Rutledge eventually agreed to support independence because?
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What Edward Rutledge involvement in America Revolution?

he signed the declaration of independence and convenced his state to vote for independence,he was in the continental army and captured by the british during the seige of Charleston and supposingly really badly treated by them. they had him for a year then exchanged him.

The primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson was both one of the youngest delegates to the continental congress and the primary author of the declaration of independence. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams also served on the committee for the declaration but Jefferson was told by Adams the he (Jefferson) was the best writer of all of them.

What colony did Edward Rutledge represent at the second continential congress?

South Carolina

Who were the oldest and youngest signers of the Declaration of Independence?

The youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence was Edward Rutledge of Southern Carolina. He was 26. He was also initially opposed to independence, but signed the Declaration for the sake of unanimity.The oldest signer was Benjamin Franklin, who was 70 at the time. At the signing, Franklin famously said "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

What did John Rutledge do?

John Rutledge was a member of the Continental Congress and one of the framers of the US Constitution. He was first appointed to the US Supreme Court as an Associate Justice in September 1789. Rutledge was a friend of President Washington, and was reportedly disappointed that John Jay was nominated Chief Justice ahead of him. According to historical accounts, Rutledge never actually served on the Court or attended their required meetings, and officially resigned his position on the US Supreme Court in March 1791, after just 18 months.John Rutledge worked as a Judge in the South Carolina Court of Common Pleas until receiving word in early 1795 that John Jay had been elected Governor of New York. Hoping for an opportunity to lead the Court, Rutledge wrote to President Washington requesting Jay's vacated seat. After several letters passed between them, Washington offered Rutledge a temporary commission (also called a recess appointment) effective July 1, with the expectation that Congress would approve Rutledge's appointment when they returned from summer recess in August 1795.Rutledge planned to travel from Charleston to Philadelphia at the beginning of August to convene the second 1795 session of the Court. He sailed from Charleston to Baltimore on July 29, then traveled by land to Philadelphia, arriving August 10. His commission was sealed on August 12, which would commence his official tenure of office as Chief Justice.The new Chief Justice heard one case, wrote his opinion for the Court, and returned to Charleston a few days later.In November 1795, he attempted to fulfill his responsibilities as Circuit Judge, but various problems, including illness, prevented him from holding any sessions that fall.Meanwhile, Congress had postponed voting on Rutledge's appointment until December 15, 1795. Some of Rutledge's behavior that year caused concern among members of Congress, and his appointment was defeated in Congress by a vote of 14-10.On December 28, Rutledge wrote a letter to Washington resigning his commission, claiming his health would not allow him to continue (it's not clear whether he'd heard about his rejection at the time he wrote the letter). Rutledge was paid for his service through December 28, and retired to a life of seclusion.

Related questions

Who was the youngest member of Second Continental Congress?

edward rutledge

What Edward Rutledge involvement in America Revolution?

he signed the declaration of independence and convenced his state to vote for independence,he was in the continental army and captured by the british during the seige of Charleston and supposingly really badly treated by them. they had him for a year then exchanged him.

How old was edward rutledge when he signed the declaration of independence?


Who signed the declaration of independence at age 26?

Edward Rutledge

Why was edward rutledge important to the declaration of independence?

Youngest Signer :)

Who was the youngest singer of the declaration of independence to die?

edward rutledge

How did John Rutledge answer Randolph's argument?

John Rutledge answered Randolph's arguments by outlining the reasons why Congress should be limited in power.

The primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson was both one of the youngest delegates to the continental congress and the primary author of the declaration of independence. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams also served on the committee for the declaration but Jefferson was told by Adams the he (Jefferson) was the best writer of all of them.

What colony did Edward Rutledge represent at the second continential congress?

South Carolina

Who appointed to the US supreme court by George Washington that signed the Declaration of Independence?

Edward Rutledge.

What were John Rutledge's accomplishments?

He was elected governor in 1779. He served in the state legislature and the Contiental Congress

Where is the Rutledge Public Library in Rutledge located?

The address of the Rutledge Public Library is: 8030 Rutledge Pike, Rutledge, 37861 9804