i think it was 31 slaves
George Washington actually willed that the slaves he owned be freed upon the passing of his wife, Martha. George Washington was the 1st President of the United States.
Yes he did own slaves. Everyone that was wealthy at that time had slaves. Since he worked in congress and as a lawyer he was bound to make good money
yes he did. he was believed to have owned 12 slaves!
He owned two slaves, George and King
Yes. He owned 277 slaves when he died.
Alexander Ross was an abolitionist who helped slaves to freedom
George Allen Ross died in 1946.
George Allen Ross was born in 1879.
George Ross Smith died in 1952.
George Ross Smith was born in 1864.
George Ross Kirkpatrick was born in 1867.
George Henry Ross died in 1956.
George Henry Ross was born in 1878.
Douglas George Ross was born in 1897.