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Yes, Franklin Roosevelt served three terms (a total of twelve years). as a result, the 22nd Amendment was made, which limits a president to a total of two terms and two years (he could only get those two years if he became vice president to another president who later died or resigned).

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The only president to serve more than two terms was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In fact, he died in the midst of his fourth term.

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Only one president served more than two terms and that was Franklin D. Roosevelt. An amendment to the US Constitution now limits the president to two terms.

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Q: Did any presidents serve three terms?
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Franklin Roosevelt was the only president to serve three terms . It is now illegal for a president to serve more than two terms, so FDR's record will stand for a long time.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt had three Vice Presidents, more than any other U. S. President. They were...John Nance Garner (1933-1941)Henry A. Wallace (1941-1945)Harry Truman (1945)

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