No when he received the rarely shot it was a direct hit.
Miraculously not. He had horses shot out from under him, and found bullet holes in his coat after battles, but was never actually shot or otherwise wounded.
George Washington George Washington GEORGE WASHINGTON
All US Presidents are Americans. George Washington was the first.
George WashingtonGeorge Washington
got shot(he shot himself)
No. Washington died of complications during a bout of epiglottitis.
Yes he was and he was shot in the leg and died. :(
right after Abe Lincoln was shot and killed by George Washington
no george washinton was not not stolen by aliens he was shot in the back by i person i dont know
No when he received the rarely shot it was a direct hit.
i don't think he was but try checking other sources.
george washington
John and Martha Parke Custis
George Washington
There is uncertainty about the first shot fired in the Battle of Jumonville Glen. Some accounts state that George Washington ordered fire. Some accounts state that someone else fired a shot, and that George Washington then ordered return fire. For more information, please see the Related Link below.
George Washington was not assassinated. He died of an illness in 1799. George Washington was accused by the French of assassinating Joseph Coulon de Jumonville in 1754, but the circumstances of Jumonville's death are not clear.