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The United States had a federal surplus in 1998. There was a surplus until 2001, but after 2001, the country has had a national deficit.

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Q: Did the US have a federal deficit or surplus in 1998?
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Does US have a deficit or trade surplus?

Trade deficit

Did the US have a trade surplus or deficit?

The USA has a trade deficit.

When before 1998 did the us government have a surplus?

well you see, we have actually never been in debt. the us government has always has a surplus, the myth of a debt and deficit is to increase spending because the government is just greedy.

What is the us deficit?

The difference, on a yearly basis, between the budget (expenses) for the federal government of the United States and revenues (income). When the expenses are more than the income, the difference is called the deficit. When the income is more than the expenses, the difference is called a surplus.

What is the interest and total amount of money that the US borrowed?

either surplus or deficit :p

Does the US have a trade surplus or a trade deficit with China?

The US has a trade deficit with China. That means China sends the US goods worth worth more money than those the US sends China.

Does the US have a trade deficit or a trade surplus with its largest trading partners?

The Bureau of the Census records indicated that in 2004, the United States had a trade deficit with each of its four largest trading partners.

What countries do the US have a trade surplus with?

The United States has a high trade deficit with a number of countries. It has the highest trade deficit with China, at about 27 million dollars of debt.

Does the US have trade deficit or a trade surplus with Mexico?

IN some ways we do but it is not all the way true because the government does not sure that information with us.

What is us deficite?

The difference, on a yearly basis, between the budget (expenses) for the federal government of the United States and revenues (income). When the expenses are more than the income, the difference is called the deficit. When the income is more than the expenses, the difference is called a surplus.

Was there a federal deficit or surplus in 1998 in the US and approximately how much?

In 1998, the federal government recorded its firstbudget surplus in more than 25 years. Now, afteran extended period of deficits and three consecutiveyears of surpluses, both the White House Officeof Management and Budget (OMB) and the CongressionalBudget Office (CBO) have projected annualbudget surpluses for at least the next decade. Theturnaround in the outlook for the U.S. government'sfinances is stunning. Under current policies, budgetprojections show that publicly held governmentdebt, which is currently a little more than $3.5trillion, will be eliminated by around 2010-perhapsearlier if the economy continues to grow faster thananticipated.1

What is the deficit of the US?

The current US Deficit is $11,042,553,971,450.47 (11 Trillion)