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Q: Did the colonial governors have the powers of patronage and the veto?
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An example of a governor's judicial duties is creating a budget?

The governors, as chief executive of states have veto powers to oversee spending of monies and budgeting. Using veto powers, governors can influence spending priorities in the states.

What are the powers of the governor?

All governors have the power to veto bills the legislature has passed. Indeed , most governors have greater veto power than the President of the United States has.

Categories of legislation line-item veto?

The line-item veto law confers powers to a chief executive to reject provisions in a bill. The President of the United States has veto powers. Governors in nearly all states and the mayor of Washington have veto powers.

What hold did colonial assemblies have over the royal governors?

The colonies had or could through their Parliaments make laws that the Governor had to abide by. If a Governor abused his powers, colonial assemblies could ask the Government of the mother country where he came from to set him straight or to recall him.

What are the formal powers of the governor?

The power of veto, budgetary formation, and being the commander-in-chief of the state's military forces are three of the powers the governor has over the legislative branch. They also have the power to overturn death penalty issues.

What are the legislative power of the governor?

All governors have the power to veto bills the legislature has passed. Indeed , most governors have greater veto power than the President of the United States has.

What is a power that state governors have that the president does not?

a line item veto

What is the power that most state governors have that the president does not?

a line item veto

Who have veto powers?


What powers are granted to most governors?

State governments are controlled by a governor that is elected by the residents of that state. Governors have the power to activate their state's national guard, line item veto in certain states, state of the state address, and hosting foreign dignitaries should their visit their state.

Who has veto powers?

the president of the u.s has veto power...

What are Barack Obama's veto powers?

he has the power to veto any bill