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yeah,definitely. That's why we have datus mentioned in Philippine History. Try to look for these keywords and you'll have at least an idea about Philippine government prior to the coming of the spaniards. Umalohokan (town-crier), datu/raha/rajah, alipin saguiguilid, alipin namamahay, babaylan...

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Q: Did the early Filipinos have a government of their own before the Spaniards came?
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Did the early Filipinos were already civilized before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Philippines?

yes, the filipinos were already civilized before the spanish colonization. They have already a way of government, we already have laws, we already trade in other places, we have the system of writing, we already have currency (in terms of gold) and also social classes.

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Chinese, Arabs, Indians, Japanese and Spaniards

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because the spaniards will only destroy their crops.

What has the author M Edmunde Delbeke written?

M. Edmunde Delbeke has written: 'Religion and morals of the early Filipinos at the coming of the Spaniards'

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Did the leaders of early Filipino revolts against the Spaniards manifest nationalism?

Yes. Filipinos during that time are fighting not only for their lives but also for the independence of our country against our colonizers.

What is the main reason of early Filipino uprisings?

Early Filipino uprisings were mainly driven by resentment against Spanish colonial rule, exploitation, forced labor, high taxes, religious oppression, and lack of political representation. Filipinos sought to reclaim their rights, freedom, and cultural identity through resistance and rebellion against oppressive colonial forces.

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What is early Filipinos origin?

dimood pa.