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No. The Constitution was ratified by the thirteen original colonies long before Kansas was US territory.

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Q: Did the state of Kansas vote for the ratification of the US Constitution?
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Why An amendment may become part of the constitution upon?

An amendment may become part of the US Constitution on ratification. Ratification requires that three fourths of the states vote for the amendment in their state legislatures.

Which method of ratification was used for almost all the amendments to the constitution?

Ratification of an amendment is an up-or-down vote in each state legislative chamber

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2 thirds vote of congress

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All free blacks.

What process did states use to decide whether to ratify the Constitution?

They held conventions where representatives voted for or against ratification

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The framers were able to bypass congress and state legislature in the process of ratifying the new constitution because there are two methods of ratifying and they choose the one that bypasses congress. All they had to do is have the people vote on ratification and get a majority vote.

What is the amendment process of the Constitution of the US?

The amendment process has two steps, proposal and ratification. The amendment must first be proposed a 2/3 vote of congress or by 2/3 of the state legislatures. Ratification occurs with a 3/4 vote of the state legislatures or a 3/4 vote of state conventions made up of delegates (not necessarily legislators) elected by the people. See the related link for more detail.

What is the first step in adding amendment to the US constitution?

The amendment process has two steps, proposal and ratification. Official proposals can be made by 2/3 of Congress or 2/3 of state legislatures (so Congress can be involved). Ratification occurs with a 3/4 vote of the state legislatures or a 3/4 vote of state conventions made up of delegates (not necessarily legislators) elected by the people.Read more:

When were women allowed to vote in a national election?

Ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution in August, 1920 gave women the right to vote.

What is the process of adding a amendment to the US Constitution?

The amendment process has two steps, proposal and ratification. The amendment must first be proposed a 2/3 vote of congress or by 2/3 of the state legislatures. Ratification occurs with a 3/4 vote of the state legislatures or a 3/4 vote of state conventions made up of delegates (not necessarily legislators) elected by the people. See the related link for more detail.

How can you add to constitution?

The amendment process has two parts, proposal and ratification. Formal proposals are made by either 2/3 of Congress (this is the House of Representatives and the Senate) or 2/3 of state governments. Ratification requires a 3/4 vote of either state governments or state conventions comprised of delegates elected by the people.