The "Texas State Government" is a noun, and it is proper to capitalize it. Just as you would capitalize the name of a person.
Yes u do
If you are referring to the specific proposed amendment from the 1970's, then yes, you capitalize it. If you are referring to the general concept of similar proposals, then you do not capitalize it.For example:The Equal Rights Amendment was not adopted as part of the United States Constitution because not enough states ratified it before the deadline.California and several other states have an equal rights amendment in their state constitutions.
Yes, it is the title of something, so you capitalize it.
When used that way it is a shortening of the full term of exwife or exhusband. The prefix ex is used to indicate a former status. It is also used to indicate any former status such as expresident or exgolfer.There are variations in spelling such as ex-husband and ex husband.
yes you do
No, you capitalize the g in Grand and the c in Canyon but never capitalize the unless it is the beginning of a new sentence. Ex: The Grand Canyon is big and tall. Ex: I want to go see the Grand Canyon.
the expresident of Egypt from 1970 to 1981
no you do not capitalize the names of trees
Yes, you should capitalize the word "to" in a title unless it is a preposition, article, or conjunction.
* The word "I" as in "I am" must always be capitalised. * Names of businesses, people, brands, websites, and anything aside from the common noun should be capitalised. * The first letter of every sentence must be placed one space away from the full-stop, and, yes, must be capitalised. * Letters succeeding punctuation marks are only capitalised after full-stops, not commas, colons, semi-colons, apostrophes, speech marks, or brackets.
You do not capitalize "president'. You only capitalize "president" if you are using it with a president's name. EX: The president is tall. EX: The tallest president was President Abraham Lincoln.
You never do. It is always abreviated and always lowercase. ex: t.v =) ♥ =) ♥
Yes, any pro nouns are capitalize , a pro noun is the starting title of a person or place this rule is for both Narrative and non narratives statements ex. Reagan and Bush Title ex. the adventures of Reagen and Bush ----------------------------------------------------
You only capitalize the word cancer if your referring to a specific kind of cancer. Ex. My ferret has Bone Cancer. (its a specific type of cancer) My ferret has cancer. (is not a specific type of cancer)
No, leprechaun is not capitalized unless at the beginning of a sentence.